Wednesday 26 November 2014

A nice surprise

(photo courtesy ShutterBEAN Photography)

We always knew this last attempt to beat Dominic's leukemia had a good chance to fail.

This was pulling the goalie in the last minute. Throwing the long bomb to the end zone. A desperation shot at the buzzer.

Some doctors at the Alberta Children's Hospital suggested it was foolhardy, that we should focus on what little time we had left with our son. Our main doctor, Tony Truong, agreed with us that it was worth a try.

Today, Tony walked in amidst me getting ready to drive back to Medicine Hat and Dominic screaming as it was near his nap time. With no final decision as to whether we'd go ahead with a brain biopsy — a big group of doctors is meeting about it today — there was no point in me taking another week off of work. I can always drive back if the biopsy is going ahead.

As always, Tony smiled, but this time he had no interest in small talk.

"I have good news," he said.

"Dominic's in remission."

I think he expected more of a reaction. We didn't cry, barely hugged, and I kept moving about the room trying to pack up my stuff. We both admitted we thought it's a bigger deal than we were making it seem.

Even now, hours later, I'm not really sure what it means. Tony said he was surprised by the results of a bone marrow biopsy done Friday, along with Dominic's second MRI of the week. The cancer, which had comprised 30 per cent of his marrow when we moved to the T-cell treatment and as low as five per cent since he relapsed in August, is now at zero.

In other words, the DLI treatment, with the T-cells having caused graft versus host disease, is working.

We were quick to remember that at this time last year we were celebrating remission as well. His very first round of chemotherapy put him into remission just six weeks after his original diagnosis. It didn't last, however, and that makes today an odd mix of elation and stress.

It's certainly the best-case scenario, and suggests there's not leukemia in his brain. The hope is that we are not just kicking the door back against the leukemia but ridding his body of it for good, never to return.

The Hail Mary has worked. Now we get overtime. We'll take it.


  1. Excellent news! Keep fighting, Dom!

  2. What wonderful, wonderful news. :-) What to keep fighting!

  3. Amazing. I hope this is just the first of many good news visits! Way to go Dom. You are all fight little man!!

  4. Fantastic News!!

  5. Fingers always crossed

  6. best news on the internet I've ever heard. :)
    - Carrie

  7. How wonderful. Miracles do come true! You are two of the most positive people I have ever met. You should celebrate!

  8. Oh my goodness!!! So many tears of joy!! Way to go Dom!!!

  9. Keep fighting Dom!!! You are an inspiration to me. Donna x

  10. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! BEST NEWS EVER. I'm so happy for all of you. And in my opinion, it's about darn time. You guys have been deserving a break for a months now.

  11. Gosh this news has seriously made me so happy...I know it's my second comment but Dom has brought so much more realization to what a true hero (with a smile) is! I have two children under the age of 5, and with your help and Dom's I am doing my best to teach them what it means to truly be grateful for each day...thank you! always in my prayers and thoughts...Donna x

  12. What a fantastic, wonderful, relieving post. I'm thrilled for you three, and your families and friends. What a roller coaster of emotion for you. Now for some peace for a change. Thanks for making a complete stranger happier than she's been in months!

  13. Great news! Dom caught the Hail Mary pass and ran right across the line with it. Right in the nick of time, too. I think I get your lack of elation - you're just too beat up. But you suffered every sad, scary emotion, so maybe you can find a way to feel the relief and the happiness, and the joy. I hope so because you and Trish need as much happiness as you can get. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news. Today is sweeter and brighter because of it.

  14. Outstanding. Your reservations are understandable. Another hill on the roller coaster or a touchdown to end all touchdowns.....For now you have made my day. I will be enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with my family tomorrow but your family has made the day much more meaningful. An amazing journey and a truly amazing boy. Enjoy the news and hopefully this is one major step in the right direction. Peace

  15. My heart skipped a beat reading this!! I've been waiting to hear about the biopsy, and didn't dream that when I opened my email to Dom's sweet smiling little face it would contain such amazing news!! Way to fight Dom! Keep up the fight! I'm so very happy for your family!! Love to you all!

  16. WOW - what incredible news! I would imagine noone, least of all you and Trish, expected such promising news! I understand your hesitation to celebrate with the past roller-coaster of ups and downs. Having said that, how amazing to receive such wonderful, and unexpected news! I couldn't be happier for the three of you!! Enjoy and celebrate the news! :-)


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